Essential Evidence Plus requires all users register an account in order to use the site. Please follow the steps below to create your EE+ account. You must be using a computer connected to the SIU School of Medicine network (such as your office computer).
- On the Library's homepage, click on Key Resources > Essential Evidence Plus.
- On the EE+ homepage, click on the Menu icon in the top right corner.
- Click on Sign In at the bottom of the drop down list.
- If you have an EE+ account registered, you may sign in on this page. New users will need to go to the account registration page.

- Fill out all required information on the registration page and click on Register. Your account email must be the same as your email.
- You will receive a verification link in your email. Click on the link to complete the account registration process.
You are now able to sign in to EE+ using your account credentials from any device.